
Ukrainian and Russian Bride dating advices - CQMI blog

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Exclusive meeting with only one Russian bride: disappointing results

29 July 2017

The concept of unique and exclusive encounter with a single Ukrainian woman when you make your trip to Ukraine or Russia is ideal on paper as you save on expenses related to the dating agency and you make your choice as quickly as possible. Alas, it sounds more like a programmed failure in advance. What expenses to undertake in undertaking such a long journey to confront a fact: finally, the image I had of this Russian woman does not correspond with reality ...

A Romance tour summer 2017 rather successful: meetings and couples, but ...

The summer romance tours in Ukraine and Russia looks quite good. Many couples, satisfied customers and beautiful stories to show in perspective. However, the only shadow in the picture concerns the courageous men who have invested such an effort and such a journey to make a single encounter with a woman from Eastern Europe, who is in many cases, completely idealized. The shock with reality will be tough ...

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CQMI does not sell Russian women online

Have you ever ordered a household item via internet, a washing machine, a toaster or a set of sheets for your bed? Did you ever get disappointed when you received your item even though you had all the specifications of the product before making your order? So, imagine these men who made their final choice before they even bought their plane ticket to Kiev or Samara? How can one at this point believe in his star? It is one of the many mysteries of the human soul.

Love is elusive

If we could know the magic recipe of love: 2 grains of salt, 3 of pepper, a few laurel leaves ... If this recipe could be bought! If it was as simple as downloading his Russian wife on the internet! Alas ... or rather happily, true love sometimes appears where you did not expect it. It happens without warning, in the form of a person who is not necessarily an image on a computer screen. On the other hand, and it is important to make it clear, only the men who really seek it end up finding. Love does not fall from heaven.

Hits 6131 times Last modified on Saturday, 29 July 2017 23:11

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