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FAQ: Will you be traveling to Ukraine in 2021? Travel to Ukraine in 2021

FAQ: Will you be traveling to Ukraine in 2021?

22 October 2021

Dear Friend,

Note: I'm giving you a tip worth its weight in gold at the end of this message.

Every week I write this newsletter to you on relevant topics related to meeting a Slavic woman.

It's an opportunity to keep the CQMI community alive and it's also a way for me to help you in your search for love in the East.

You know that you have the opportunity to respond to me by giving your own comments or questions, which are always nice to read.

On this occasion I received several times the same question:

- Are you going to do group trips to Kiev this year, or next year?

If many ask me this question, it is because many others would like to ask the same question.

I am taking advantage of this letter to answer your questions and to give you information about the CQMI Agency in this month of October 2021.



1/ CQMI Group Tour to Kiev in 2021?

The answer is no. We will not be doing any group travel to Ukraine this year.

I believe that the conditions are not right to organize a group trip to Kiev.

Even if the health situation improves and travel resumes, it would be too complex to take into account all the specificities related to air travel for a group of people.

Vaccines, PCR tests, quarantine, COVID insurance etc.

We do not have the structure to do this kind of management.

In addition, in Ukraine the government has put in place a new regulation that makes the movement of people more restrictive.

Here is a message from my wife:

Men traveling to Ukraine should be aware that women need to confirm their arrival in Kiev because as of October 21, Ukraine is imposing strict restrictions on entry to Kiev. Women must provide a vaccination passport or a negative covid test before they can enter Kiev. All of Ukraine is aware of these severe restrictions. Therefore, women must be in possession of the appropriate vaccination documents before going to the meeting with a man in Kiev.

In short, not only would this be complex to manage on the male side, but also on the female side in Ukraine.

Knowing that a group trip implies bringing between 80 and 100 women to Kiev, I let you imagine the headache in perspective.



2/ CQMI Romance Group Tour in 2022?

We hope, of course.

But we also remain realistic.

I read an article on Facebook that the airline industry players expect a return to normal in 2023.

That seems likely.

But my wife would love to spend the summer of 2022 in Ukraine with Diana, our daughter.

She misses family and country...

So there is a chance that we will be in Ukraine next summer.

To be seen, depending on the possibilities.

The important question is also, if there would be a sufficient number of men interested in traveling at that time.

In this regard, Mark Davis of Dreamconnections has so few American clients for his speed dating parties in Nikolaev that he is now doing individual Quest tours at the same price as the $5,000 USD group tours.

His price has dropped by 50%.

Times are tough.



3/ Is it possible to travel to Kiev alone and meet women?

Fortunately yes, it is possible.

In September and October, we have clients in Kiev almost every weekend.

It is our assistant Nadia who accompanies us during the meetings.

She is very busy, so please let us know in advance if you need her services.

I can't recommend enough the importance and the role of the assistant during your meetings with a Ukrainian woman.

Her role is crucial.

Clients who try her services once understand the difference.

Nadia will help you with several aspects:

a/ logistical issues in Kiev (changing money, buying flowers, choosing restaurants, etc.)

b/ avoiding mistakes related to cultural differences with the woman you are meeting

c/ intelligent translation if you discuss sensitive issues such as money, children, work.

d/ feedback after the meetings: what does the woman really think about you? Is she interested or not.

Please note that Nadia's services are also available remotely on a Skype call.

It's ideal to prepare your trip.

Tip: Because of her role, Nadia meets a large number of our members. As a result, she often knows in advance the woman you will meet. This can be very useful...



4/ Are you still signing up new ladies on your site ?

The first time I heard this question from one of our clients, I was stunned.

When you have your head in the sand... You don't think about communication anymore.

The answer is yes, of course.

We even took advantage of the pandemic to completely redesign our Russian website.

My wife helped us with this change.

Women are sensitive to the beauty of the website.

So we made a clean and elegant site to attract our growing number of ladies in Ukraine.

At the moment we have almost 2,000 active women looking for love on the site.

All registrations are manually checked by our team in Ukraine:

a/ visual meeting to check photos

b/ verification of official documents

c/ verification of agency rules

Checks are much more stringent for women than for men.

Our database is updated daily from Monday to Friday.

You should know that we offer a considerable choice, not to mention that we do not have any partners.

All the members on our site are registered by us and according to our rules.



5/ How can I see the new ladies that you have registered?

I am often asked this question.

You have 3 options:

a/ go to our Facebook page: Agence CQMI. New profiles are posted there every day.

b/ our profile consultation page: the profiles that appear first in the search are the most recent.


Tip that few men know:

If you see a new profile that you like, contact this person without any delay. As soon as possible.

When a woman has just registered, she is highly motivated, she has thought about the process and feels ready in her head. She has already understood the process, it is fresh in her mind, she will be much more receptive to your request.

Wait a few weeks and her motivation will be less strong. She will have forgotten important details.

Men who have understood this little trick are much more successful!

Some of them only contact new women.



If you have any questions for me, you can simply reply to this letter or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I wish you a healthy weekend!



Hits 2165 times Last modified on Monday, 01 November 2021 20:33
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