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You’d better choose the right international dating agency or…

21 August 2016

With the return to Montreal, it's time to take a good deep inspiration and make some conclusions about our Matchmaker experience in Ukraine! We have had confirmation that the case of Michel, who traveled to Kiev in April, was not an accident. Indeed, the majority of our customers could start a relationship with the quality of our dating services. It is even more interesting to note that some of our customers had already traveled to Ukraine with other dating sites and had failed. What makes the differences of CQMI dating agency? Reading the steps below you will understand that success lies in the selection process of our beautiful single Ukrainian ladies.

A first selection of the candidates in Ukraine with our local agent Tatiana

When a woman in Ukraine wishes to enroll in the international dating agency CQMI, it starts with filling out a form on our Russian website. Then Tatiana, our CQMI representative in Kiev calls to make a first selection and request official documents, such as passports to verify their age and marital status. You will certainly be surprised to learn that over 40% of women in Ukraine who send their registration are married! Imagine a site that does not audit like "Elena's model" or "Love me", so you have a 40% chance to choose a Slavic woman who is already married and you have no way to check...

A psychological interview with Borislava

The second step is to pass a psychological interview with Borislava to clarify a number of points about the real intentions of the Russian or Ukrainian girl we'll introduce you. The themes among others are:

  • Does the Slavic girl has mercantile intentions?
  • Does the Ukrainian bride really wants to start a family?
  • Is the Russian lady willing to immigrate to another country or does she want to create a family and does she meets the criteria for immigration?

A final filter with your assistant in Kiev during the real meetings

When you are traveling in Ukraine you will be accompanied by an assistant who will analyze your favorite Ukrainian girl as you meet with her. Nothing like another woman to analyze the responses of a woman during a romantic encounter. If you are captivated by her beauty, your assistant will keep a clear head and can give you the right feedback and intentions of the girl you meet. In reality, as Gaston said in his testimony, the role of your assistant is essential for the success of your love project.

The final selection with our immigration lawyer

Once your Ukrainian partner will be chosen, the last step is done with our immigration lawyer who will ask a stack of documents to your Ukrainian bride for the invitation to Canada. These documents must be notarized and certified. This brings the final touch to the seriousness of the approach of our dating agency in Montreal.

Conclusion: choose the right dating agency or…

Listening to the video on Youtube of an unfortunate American man who paid US $ 5,000 for a romantic tour in Ukraine with Foreign Affair and learned the last day of his trip that he had chosen a Slavic girl was indeed 7 years older than what she had said and that she was getting a divorce, you will easily understand that you'd better choose a dating service that works seriously.

Another consequence for you, easy to understand, is that the quality of a job well done comes at a certain cost.

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