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Success rate for CQMI Matchmaking after fall and summer 2016 romance tours in Ukraine

26 October 2016

Back in Montreal with a bad cold, the family reunion and winter coming, we are left by the fire to take a look at our group of 2 romantic journeys in 2016 with a good cup of hot chocolate. Remember that the mark of our dating agency is transparency, so that we will show you both successes and failures. Although some customers are still in Kiev to solidify the foundation of their newly born relationship with their Ukrainian woman, we can already begin to assess and compare the results between the romantic trip this summer and this fall. You can even compare the results between men who chose the trip to Ukraine in solo and those who preferred the group traveling to meet women. But before talking about success I would like to clearly define what is meant by success rate.

Can we really speak of success at this stage of the romantic encounter?

If our client has started a relationship with a Ukrainian woman, does it mean that the relationship will go forward to a marriage and a union of several years? No one can predict the future. Although the ingredients for success are there, our international dating agency cannot follow the protagonists of the relationship in all stages of their union. Once we will connect you, your responsibility will be to sustain the relationship, like a fire that must be fed. We also noticed in Kiev dependence on certain customers for their assistant who does all the communication work for them! You have a part to play in the relationship between you and your elected, it is your duty to build the future of your relationship.

Comparison figures between this summer and fall: a true trend continues

This summer (July-August 2016) we had a total of 13 male clients who went to Kiev for a period of three weeks with a candidate who has not required the help of an assistant.

This fall in October 2016 we had a total of 11 male clients who went to Kiev including 3 who went solo without being part of the group. See the results in writing this summer.

Among 13 on our summer guests, 10 began a relationship that continues for a ratio of 77% success. The client who decided to travel without assistant has been unsuccessful in his approach as far as we know.

Among our 11 customers of October, 7 have started dating and started a union that will take the strength over time. There is therefore a success rate of 64%. A new and remarkable fact is that among our 3 candidates solo, 1 succeeded without the help of assistant! This is a gentleman who had gone several times in Ukraine. This is new information that contradicts my first hot stock wrote last week. I'm sorry I did not have all the details yet. One can therefore succeed without assistant! Probably thanks to the information in our videos or experience on previous trips in the countries of Eastern Europe.

Finally, the trend continues with some rates above 60%, which rewards the hard work of CQMI assistants and coaching of the dating agency.

Why did some men have failed to find love?

This is the big question that everyone arises. One on which we must work. Whose fault is it? It's still frustrating to spend a fee to return empty handed. First of all, I think that whatever the outcome of the romantic journey, you will always win from such an experience with us. Discover the Ukrainian culture and the field of possibilities for you in this extraordinary country is necessarily an advantage for you. A failure? This is only a postponement! It is also notable that the few people who have failed us have already decided to try their luck again with our agency. All customers without exception have expressed their satisfaction with our services. So how to explain the failures?

The lack of realism over top model women

I already talked on video, if you choose to meet only Slavic women mannequin, you will hit a wall sooner or later. These women, like you, are looking for a serious relationship. But have you asked yourself whether what you have to offer them? These women do not care about your EU or Canadian passport. They are seeking a man who will give them the standard of living they seek. They have a lot of proposals and they are the one who choose whether you like it or not!

Too large age differences

I've written lots of articles on the subject. This is not because a woman agrees to meet you that she's going to marry you. Some men have illusions about age differences. It is a mistake that all men are making (including myself). All psychologists can explain it better than me. An excessive age difference in the couple itself contains the ingredients of failure.

Make the trip to meet one woman in Ukraine

2 customers in October decided to make the trip to meet only one woman they thought to be the woman of their life ... Life has decided otherwise unfortunately. This is a huge risk to think that a profile, one is enough. I truly believe that love very often appears where you did not expect.


On a second year of operation, the CQMI Matchmaking offers a level of professionalism difficult to find in the field of international marriage agencies. The future will tell whether the resulting rates will persist with a quantity of customers increasingly important. Next romance trip February 23, 2017, sign up!

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