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How a French dating agency points out Russian women scam Black list to improve its ranking on Google while ripping off customers.

08 October 2016

The idea is absolutely brilliant; one might even say evil! The idea of ​​a Russian woman who saw it as a way to expand her marriage agency in France in a highly competitive field. Create a blacklist of Russian or Ukrainian scam women having tried or managed to rip off single men enrolled on international Russian dating sites. A list that everyone can fill in freely without any control on the website of the dating agency. Accompanied by an Anti-scam guide more than 4 pages in which the director describes all possible Russian scam scenarios and the means to defend yourself, a whole section of the website is well designed to reassure the male clientele. Reading the details of scams, the customer feels reassured and understood her fears, which is a basic principle in sales, also very effective. Where it becomes absolutely great it is when journalists (who love to scam story with women in Europe is), the websites of travel and even embassies put a link on their site to black list or black list of Slavic bride scam, to warn men (which is perfectly laudable priori). Google then takes over to position the website of the marriage agency first in the search results. The fraud is fully implemented. The result exceeded all expectations. Customer relaxes, the descriptions of the scams means they are honest, so I sign up with their Matchmaking service.

A blacklist of Russian or Ukrainian brides: is it credible?

By her own admission, the director explains that the list has its limits. Anyone can make an update of the site, there is no control. My Russian girlfriend let me down, I'm frustrated, I want to add her photos on the blacklist for revenge ... How credible is it to present a blacklist of Russian girls? Do you think the real crooks are going to give real photographs and real personal information to their victims?

Do not be fooled, the real usefulness of a blacklist comprised of Russian women is to attract everyone's curiosity, journalists. This is a list to manipulate you, working on your instincts unhealthy curiosity. For journalists it seems a reliable way to convey information about degrading women from Eastern Europe. It is exactly as if someone had made fun making a blacklist of rich men who went to prostitutes in the United States. The basic idea is the same, sex and money is used to attract attention and visits. And Google's robots are no exception to the rule!

When the single client of a Matchmaking agency feels understood, he has more confidence to sign up.

Once the main fear expressed is dissipated all the conditions are conducive to the sale of the service. If this dating agency understands my fears so I can trust them. This is the basis for a successful sale. No need to videos on YouTube or testimonials. The results are obtained thanks to the interest of journalists for Russian brides’ crooks.

And what about the Russian dating agency that sets itself up as a defender of moral values?

"Look at how others work but do not look how I work ..." Or you know the proverb:

"Prior to sweep in front of the other’s door, Sweep Around Your Own Front Door. "

Initially it is important to trust and give credit to virtue. No one can be against virtue. Denounce the guilty is good, but please do not be involved in the global network of organized fraud.

Remember Jesus himself who proposed the Scribes and Pharisees before the adulteress:

For this reason, I would not in any case here be pretentious enough to declare that CQMI matchmaking services is exempt of problems. However, I cannot resist sharing the experience of one of our customers in Quebec who registered in this French marriage agency and talk about his experience: let’s call our customer Bernard.

Bernard is in client in this dating site and get to know Svetlana

The wedding agency discussed in this article works in partnership with marriage agencies which are partners all over Ukraine and Russia. Svetlana comes from Dnipropetrovsk partner’s agency in Ukraine, and let me show you the lady's profile.

Svetlana 36ans Google Chrome aujourdhui at 14.31.27

You certainly noticed that in the English section, Svetlana has a beginner level. It is written: English (a little).

As I myself am familiar with the level of English of our single women in Ukraine, what was my amazement when Bernard, who had some doubts about Svetlana, sent us her latest letter:

Hello dear Bernard.

Thank you for your letters. I appreciate your sincerity. I agree that we need to meet in person and spend some time together in order to get to know each other better. Don't worry about the language barrier. Our agency will provide us with a French interpreter, whom we can trust. 

I am going for a business trip and I will be busy till next Tuesday. We can organize skype, when I come back next week, ok?

Bernard, I appreciate that you are a respectful and a gentle man. Because I want you to know that I am a very romantic woman, and mutual care and attention is very important for me in relationships. And sometimes I like to be little spoiled as a lady. :) I don't ask for the Moon from the sky, no. But I like when a man gives me flowers, or make small surprises. I appreciate signs of attention high. And how do you show a woman that you like her?

Well, I have to go now. I wish you to have a good week.


I would not be more surprised if the person who wrote the letter is actually the interpreter of the wedding agency in Dnepropetrovsk.

Of course you do not need a degree in special investigation to find out that Svetlana never wrote this letter. Her English level does not allow her to write a letter without the slightest error in grammar or spelling.

Besides the call for gifts it is clear, unequivocally.

Can you really be a serious dating agency and work with a multitude of partners scattered in Eastern Europe

Having tried this formula, I can confirm that this is not possible. How do you control every day dozens of independent agencies in Russia and Ukraine that are thousands of kilometers and who must survive in terrible economic conditions? The temptation to cheat is too strong. All these agencies are engaged in a battle with no mercy to earn a few US dollars. Certainly, these are not serious scams such as those described on the pages of the anti-scam guide of Russian brides, but these are scams anyway! My motto is clear. Either I work honestly or I do not work honestly at all! Can there be an in between?

Conclusion on the Russian women Black list and scam dating sites

This list, is it really relevant, is it used? What is it used for? Is it just a trap for journalists in quest of sensations or a trap to reassure hesitant clients?

What is the purpose of this article?

I just want to share honestly with you more or less questionable techniques used by our competitors to help you make an informed choice when you choose your dating agency to meet your future wife abroad. We live in a world of transparency through modern tools offered by social media: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and many other media. In the Quebec Centre for International Marriages we opted for transparency with all the risks implied.

Hits 12139 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 15:18

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