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Success rates for CQMI Matchmaking agency in Montreal

14 July 2016

Men generally think in terms of logic and result. If I am a single man looking for a woman for marriage or a serious relationship, this woman can be French, Canadian, Russian, Ukrainian, and I am using services of a dating agency, I want results! Obviously, if I want to assess my chances of success to find a wife, I'll ask the success rate of the dating agency. Some agencies fall into the trap of mathematical and statistical response and will announce a rate of 50, 70 or 80%. I will explain in this article that this is a mistake. When talking about love, feelings and human beings, statistics are meaningless.

The success of a dating agency mostly depends on you

Here are three real examples:

  1. Paul: I am a 57-year-old man, I am physically fit, I play sports and I'm great. I have a business and I did well in my life. I live in the countryside, far from the city. I have a beautiful house in nature. I am looking for a Russian or Ukrainian woman, blonde with blue eyes, mannequin-type, age 25 without children.
  2. John: I am a 52 years old, I live in town, I have a serious job in a renowned company. I have no children. I am looking for a beautiful young Russian or Ukrainian girl younger than me no children, aged 35 and older.
  3. Henry: I am a young man of 37, I live in town, I am a young executive who works in a bank, educated. I am looking for a girl with no children, who works as a medical doctor.

If a marriage agency gives you a mathematical success rate of 80%, it would seem reasonable that minimally two above described cases should logically lead to a serious relationship with a Slavic woman. In reality, none of the three cases described above has any real chance of success. Let's see why:

  1. Paul tries to reassure himself. However, age is not just a number like we saw in a previous article. How would you like a 25-year-old girl agreed to stay in the country with a man who could be her grandfather?
  2. John finds himself confronting a problem characteristic of the Eastern women’s mentality. Women in Russia and Ukraine emphasize family and marry very young. We talked about this attitude in the video Irina Poltava.
  3. Henry is looking for a Russian girl doctor. He has a need that has nothing to do with a search for serious relationship. Assuming he manages to find a Ukrainian girl like Irina doctor that we videotaped, his chances of success are zero. We should not confuse or reduce a woman with the profession she exercises.

In conclusion, when potential customers of CQMI dating agency are asking what are the success rates, I reply systematically that the success of your love project in Ukraine mostly depends on you! The CQMI matchmaking agency in Montreal gives you all the ingredients for success but in the end it is you who are responsible for your choices and your happiness.

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