Ukrainian and Russian Bride dating advices - CQMI blog
Are you looking for a successful marriage agency ?
Given the results of our romantic travel group in Kiev this summer 2016, it is clear that our formula, even if it is not magic, it works. With a success rate of over 80% what can we say? Our team of specialists in Ukraine made a great team work both psychological, cultural and technique which was successful. What could be more rewarding for us to see starting couples and see romantic feelings born in Ukraine? Why did CQMI marriage agency got such a result? Just because we understood why some men have failed. Here are 5 points for improvement:
The hotel rather than the apartment
Several customers have rightly pointed out to us the importance of building a group and have a coaching almost every day during a romantic trip to Ukraine. By booking a hotel for the romantic trip in October, we will correct the situation. It will be possible to communicate and interact with the team of CQMI specialists permanently. More exchanges between CQMI customers can make your stay more pleasant in Ukraine.
Skype to prepare your meetings in Ukraine
We have already discussed in the article concerning the benefits of Skype. Those of you who know how to use Skype with moderation and without developing feelings in a distance, will make their travel more efficient by reducing the number of meetings to a minimum. So you will be more efficient and productive. Also remember that Skype can also be a trap!
Make ALL your meetings even if you have some preferences
This is a huge mistake to cancel all your meetings simply because your first meeting went well with your favorite Ukrainian woman. By canceling your meetings, you just draw a line through all your preparation work for your romantic trip to Ukraine. How many times have we seen the situation of the man who finds himself dangling arms after putting all his hopes on a single Slavic woman?
Refuse the services of your assistant
Refuse help from your assistant, it's as if you had decided to lose. Video testimonials from Serge and Sylvain speak for themselves. We noticed that without the work of our specialists we could never have achieved such a high success rate during our summer romantic trip to Ukraine. Your assistant is your compass, your translator, your counselor, your psychologist, your agenda. She does everything for you.
Underestimate the importance of cultural differences and consulting videos
It is sometimes amazing to see how some customers do not take at all seriously the importance of cultural differences in the budding relationship. A relationship that is born is as fragile as a starting fire. You must feed it with good dry wood. At the slightest problem, it does not forgive, the fire goes out. It's the same for your meeting in Ukraine. Hence the enormous importance of your assistant that will guide you throughout your week. Also, plan your trip using many examples and advice given in our videos on our website.
In conclusion, it is because our specialist team is united, flexible and we have been able to identify the reasons for failure that we are able to guide you to your goal: a sincere and lasting love relationship based on family values.

Antoine Monnier
A étudié à CQPNL Centre québécois de PNL