About Russian women
Age difference in marriage with your Slavic bride, it really counts?
It is sometimes quite surprising to see how some men are unrealistic when it’s time to choose a Slavic bride in Ukraine or Russia. Remember our video about the toy store syndrome. The quantity and quality of our young and beautiful brides in Russia and Ukraine sometimes crate confusion in the head of men from western countries. You might say it's none of my business. However, our goal is to create a serious and lasting relationship for our men’s clients as much as Russian girls or Ukrainian singles looking for a husband to start a family. Our dating agency proposes to explain some basic rules regarding the age difference between you and your beautiful Russian siren so you can make a wise decision. Indeed, let's break prejudices and sorry to disappoint you but the age difference, yes this is an important aspect to take into consideration!
The age difference in the couple is a symptom of the death of the couple
When age differences are too important it is obvious that the relationship will not last very long. It usually fulfills some psychological needs. Under these conditions, lifetime of such relationships is generally very low. For obvious reasons, a 50 years old man in a relationship with a young girl in her twenties cannot keep up for long. The difference in lifestyle or biological rhythm will do its destructive work along the years. Durable couples look alike and live with the same energy. The couple with a big age difference carries itself the seeds of its degeneration. It is anything but sustainable. It responds to an immediate need, very often a psychological need.
Differences in biological rhythm are terribly efficient to create some distance in the relation
The time when we go to bed, time to eat, what we eat, interest, movies, etc. For those who have already lived in a relationship with a much younger woman, you've probably experienced this kind of constraints. At the beginning it's fun, in the long run it actually becomes a constraint. Do you want to live the same lifestyle that your daughter?
Distrust of immigration services in the countries where you live
There have been too many scam marriages with residents of poorer nations and all government started a hunt against arranged marriages in Canada, France and elsewhere. In Canada, our immigration lawyer has already brought us several sponsorship applications refused for too large age differences in the couple. It would be a shame to waste your time, your money and start a sponsorship process with a marriage to be denied at the end because you neglected this aspect.
The age difference sometimes hides a financial motivation
One can legitimately ask the question why a young woman of 20 years agrees to marry a 50 years old man. What are the motives? It can happen sometimes that she feels the psychological need to replace an absent father. Who could blame her? But this can in no case constitute sufficient grounds to found a couple. When the motivation is financial, what can we seriously expect of such a relationship?

Antoine Monnier
A étudié à CQPNL Centre québécois de PNL