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A letter of support for CQMI

23 April 2016

This makes us really happy to receive letters of support. Borislava, receiving this letter and after having translated it on Google Translate, asked me if I could publish it on our website! Patrick reminds us of the meaning of our mission with great eloquence. Why do Slavic women, in Ukraine and Russia have such bad press? Why many men and women in our civilized countries associate these with prostitutes? Because they are beautiful and feminine? Because they are squarely orient against the feminist movement?

Letter from Patrick:

Hello Antoine,
I read the article in the "Journal de Montreal" published on the site. One concerning Maxime.
I begin to understand the "allusions" to some facts that can make you angry!
I can not publish comments without being registered newspaper. Sadly.
When I read the exchanges that Maxime even he says that his comments were diverted from its real version ... it made me jump! In fact, after reading, nothing matches.
You do a tremendous job, great, honest and full of confidence foolproof. Keep!
You will be criticized more and more it will show that you are on the right path. (It bothers!)
What harm is it to you to find love in the values ​​of his heart and received family education?
These people have too many facilities to criticize and spread their own contrary precepts, which are often only granted that many take in others without having experienced. These critical "right-thinking" are content to throw their venom in the face of others, without bringing anything constructive in return! But make themselves known to fill their purses ... YES!
I have read your site along wide, from top to bottom and I have not found anything similar elsewhere. My investigation lasted for hours, and it continues! The testimonials are sincere and the founder's approach deserves it "pulls hat".
If allowed me, and to cut short all misplaced reviews I read, I'll share what I've seen, analyzed and observed with an outside view of what emerges from this "together."
What can we therefore blame the men and women who kept the hope of finding the soul mate in the presence of love, heart to heart, and wish to be side by side and hand in hand?
Some hope to live in love and they have reason to seek.
Everyone has the deep in his heart. But very few are aware that the "other" is the handmaiden to the manifest. Search the other is legitimate! He was beside himself ... or on the other side of the world!
Around the world, in this difficult period VERY where so many people are struggling, accuse, tear, approach, s' attract and repress like magnets ... and where everything seems s accelerate a requirement in relentless evolution ... the love in his heart is always present. But who, in the generality, still believes?

This notion is the meteoric higher power that can occur at any time. Often it Tombre us like a background eagle on its prey. We do not expect it, but there it is! Nothing can be done! Often, it unlocks when you let go of any painful past. And it is really essential.
Hope, excitement and many other testimonies readings here are commendable and encouraging!
It is important to always keep the awareness that everything is possible, whatever the circumstances.
Even and especially when everything seems to go wrong in the worst situations, you should never close the door!
Who has forgotten that wonderful softness that occurs in those moments? No need to "chichon!" (LOL!)
The brain emits endorphins which, itself, is all over the welfare of the body. The heart opens more and more!
It is this feeling that allows us to feel, finally, that the world is beautiful! Great is the joy of finally finding happiness; This love we forgot to maintain amplifying it was nevertheless one of our grandparents. They had for principle to repair everything that was repaired! They threw anything. These family values ​​that are so often considered tacky.
Love is it outdated? Hearts are they? NO! Those who find doing everything to make it last time. Happiness so overused by many for reasons that often exceed.
According to the survey evidence in the site "CQMI", hopes, love some have found, it appears so prominently. It's all good!
That is the image, like the rainbow ... the light that is deposited in the hearts. It is also like the relief that appears at the end of the storm. We see all this in their eyes!
They are absolutely right to keep the confidence of the outcome source of love in his heart and know that it is there, even if we are unable to perceive his presence.
Find favor in his eyes and under the other can intervene at any time. Love can transcend all ... love, it is alive!
Nothing is impossible for love ... unless we close the door.
Some try at all costs to protect against love! The "do-gooders" believe should protect what they see as potential victims. It is always the fault of others, especially those coming from unknown. For the unknown, scary somewhere. Other paradoxically advocate celibacy while living well in couple!
  Those who listen to end one day "acidic, bitter and cantankerous." How sad and pathetic!
I can not stand injustice or the "in-correctness" contained in many media about!
My principle to encourage my relatives telling them to always follow the direction that their heart says. They are assured to be done the better. But also that it is their return so amplified that they receive, and without any retention. This, in a back and forth that never ends. It is in my humble opinion, making people grow out of love ...
I hope my "coup de g ..." is not shocking and inside, there may be distributed to swing at some bad people?
With your permission, consider this letter as a support page.
Sincerely yours,
Patrick S.

Hits 4573 times Last modified on Friday, 08 July 2016 21:57

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