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Report for April's trip in Ukraine

16 April 2016

After 2 weeks of travel in Ukraine and hard work, it's time to write a report. Very little sleep, little rest, little family time but a lot of hard work for the development of CQMI dating agency in Ukraine. Who are the winners? You! All men who have decided to trust the CQMI ... and those who are about to become so.

2 intensive weeks for a huge work in April 2016:

32 video interviews!

You read correctly, no less than 32 adherent were personally met and interviewed in Ukraine in Kyiv and Poltava. In the coming weeks you will be able to indirectly personally encounter with 32 different women of all ages, all styles. This is your opportunity to learn more about the culture and traditions in Ukraine and the mentality of the Slavic women and their mysterious beauty.

Signing a contract with a new partner!

Two days spent in Poltava 3-hour drive from Kiev to meet a partner agency who expressed his desire to work with us in Canada. This will be the theme of our next video. Without revealing too much behind the scenes of the next video, The CQMI will move to a still higher level for the benefit of its customers.

Rules with our partner in Kiev

With the avalanche of new customers, we were a little overwhelmed by the management of letters prior to the exchange of Skype contacts. Several new rules have been implemented to improve early letter exchange and address issues more directly in the initial stages to avert misunderstandings and fruitless exchanges.

Support and coaching for Michel

Of course Michel received excellent support in Kiev and you will have the opportunity to hear Michel talk about his experience on video very soon. Superlatives abound to describe his feelings! Michel will also talk about his impressions about our new french-russian translator who accompanied him for his meetings in Kiev.

3 new Russian-French translators for meetings in Kiev

Besides Nadia you saw on the video last week we also met and interviewed two Russian-French translators for your meetings in Ukraine.

New housing options in Kiev and Poltava

Several customers have expressed a desire to stay in a hotel rather than an apartment, we will have new housing options as far as Kiev Poltava. It is likely that for group travel hotel we stayed in.

New packages in preparation

Following the signing of the agreement with our new partner in Poltava, a new package will be set up for CQMI customers wishing only to get to Poltava or those who want to eventually discover the adherent of Kyiv and Poltava.

Do not miss the next video with very interesting news.

Hits 4920 times Last modified on Friday, 08 July 2016 21:58

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