Ukrainian and Russian Bride dating advices - CQMI blog
5 tips for letters communication with your Russian bride
What should I write, how big, how to write, why is it important and how long should it last? What are the usual mistakes when you write letters to your Russian or Ukrainian ladies? Here are 5 tips you should really take into consideration.
1. Why should I write before the actual face to face meeting with Skype?
Letter’s exchange is the first step before the actual real meeting with Skype which was described in previous article. This is a very important moment in your relation because it is the very beginning of your relation with her. Write a few letters will allow both of you to break the ice. This is also a good mean to learn new things about your Russian bride because her profile on the dating website is not detailed enough. However, try to stay polite and not too intrusive at the beginning.
Good example: I’d like to know more about you. You said you like sport, which sport in particular?
Far too intrusive: You stated in your profile that you want children, how many exactly and when and are you in a hurry?
2. What should I write in my letter for my Ukrainian woman?
The letter is a very good opportunity for you to deepen your profile’s description. In letters you will be able to insist on aspects of your personality that you would like her to be aware of. Please write about important topics for you or her, avoid banality! Try to be different and not boring. If you write about some topic important for you, you will be able to check if this matter is important for her too! See her answer. Did she react or she simply ignored your text?
Example: “yesterday I went to my chalet in Gaspésie with my friends. We made a big fire outside and we prepared some meat on the fire like a barbecue. Then the next day we went for a boat ride on the River and we fished 2 huge fish. I was so proud of me. For me it’s very important to spend time in the nature with my friends and breathe fresh air, it seems as if I was in communion with mother earth.”
If your Russian correspondent does not react and stay passive, you will know that she does not share the same interest with you.
3. How to write my letter to my Eastern European lady?
You must write the first 2 letters through our online dating website. Then you need to agree with her what language you will both use to exchange. Indeed, you will receive her direct contacts if you ask for them. Remember there is a limit in direct contacts that we can give to you. English is usually the common language you can use as most of Ukrainian or Russian girl speak English.
4. What questions should I ask?
Of course it is a good idea to write about you, your feelings and hobbies. But it is even more important to ask questions to her about her hobbies. You must try to understand what she likes and who she is. Your Ukrainian bride wants to feel that you care about her and who she is. If you actually care for her and for her day to day life, she will get the main message: You care about her and you want to protect her! It will help you reach your goal to enter into a mutual serious respectful relationship with your Slavic woman. Be smart! If she shares her feeling and emotions, you are on the right direction.
Example: “I read on your profile that you have a dog, what’s his name? do you take your dog with you when you take a walk?”
5. How long should the letter exchange with your Russian bride last?
Letter communication should not be infinite! Each woman in Ukraine or Russia who accepts to communicate with you by letter or with Skype, expect that you will visit her within a timeframe of 2 to 4 months. If you communicate indefinitely without giving any traveling date and without expressing your wish to travel do not expect warm letters! As we already shown in the Video with Olga, these women in Ukraine or Russia are very busy at work and they sometimes cumulate many jobs. If they don’t know when you come their motivation will be low.
Sometimes they will directly ask you when you intend to come in Ukraine.
Letters have been around as long as there are people. We have always left messages and wanted to record and communicate important things. Since then, letters have been used for written communication among people and have become more and more important over time. They are still used today for public expression of opinion (e.g. letters to the editor), are found as stylistic devices in world literature (e.g. Goethe's novel of letters "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers"), are used for official purposes (e.g. complaints) and also for private purposes (e.g. love letters).
But the letter culture, as we know it today, did not begin until the 17th century. The letters were delivered across the country on foot, on horseback or in a stagecoach. The recipient paid for the letter he received. Due to the long letter tradition it became a collector's item and stamps a collector's and valuable object.
Writing a letter: formal vs. informal
Letters are written for many occasions. These include informal occasions such as Christmas greetings, birthday or wedding greetings as well as formal occasions such as a letter of condolence, a letter of resignation or a letter of application. In formal situations a certain letter form is in demand. It is an official form of courtesy and ensures that your letter is taken seriously. If you do not adhere to the letter structure, you may leave a bad impression and not reach your goal why you wrote the letter. Sooner or later in life everyone has to write a formal letter. For this reason, we have compiled all the important information you need to build a formal letter.

Antoine Monnier
A étudié à CQPNL Centre québécois de PNL