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Skype Translator with your Russian bride Skype Translator with your Russian bride Skype Translator

Skype Translator to succeed your first meeting with your Russian bride from Montreal

19 March 2016

Our Matchmaking service which connects you with your Russian bride, will give you some precious advices for your first encounter using Skype Translator:  a very critical step toward the creation of a successful marriage with your beautiful Russian wife.

Oceans are no longer an obstacle in the creation of happy couple of men and women who live on different continent. Our matchmaking services allow men from Montreal, Canada and Europe to meet with Slavic women which would normally under regular circumstances not be possible. The first initial steps of the relation with pictures, profiles and a few letters are only appetizers compared to the first real online meeting with your beautiful Russian bride that you chose. The first real stone to start building this relationship starts with your first Skype meeting online during which you will assess her appearance, behavior, her gestures and her communication skills. In the end you will understand if you want to go further in the relationship.

CQMI Matchmaking services give you some advice on how to prepare your first Skype meeting with your Slavic lady.

Video communication has become so frequent in our modern society that it might be difficult to remember at the end of the day with whom you discussed by means of Skype, Facebook, or Viber. However, in no case you can compare those insignificant conversations at work or with friends with the first real meeting with your Russian bride. Our Matchmaking agency is making a huge effort to help you find your future wife that suits you and it would really be a waste of time and energy to fail this first important step of the relationship.

Your first serious meeting with your Russian woman will have a positive outcome only if this first encounter will give you both the desire to repeat this meeting in order to learn more about each other. At first you will have to take into consideration the time difference between Montreal and Russia or Ukraine. You have a seven (+7) hours difference between Montreal and Kiev. As a result, it is more prudent to schedule your Skype meeting on weekends to avoid the time constraint. It is also recommended to choose a quiet place with no people around. Please note that in some cases we can organize the first Skype meeting in our Matchmaking office in Montreal.

Our Matchmaking agency will give you some advices on the discussion themes for this first Skype meeting with your Russian lady.

The first Skype meeting is certainly not the right time to show off and explain to your beautiful Slavic lady how smart and intelligent you are even if your level in English or Russian allow you to do so. In this first critical moment, it is much more recommended to give a good visual impression with a nice image and surrounding. A light and easy going conversation would be our best advice. Please avoid any deep or sad subject like politics, war, immigration. Please dress accurately with a nice shirt.

Our matchmaking services also strongly advise you to read her profile and letters that you exchanged before this first Skype meeting with your favorite Russian lady. This way you can prepare in advance some interesting themes of discussion for her. If you know that she is fond of travel, please ask her where she travelled during the summer and how she liked it.

Skype Translator is the best tool to overcome the barrier language with your Russian wife.

For all of those among you who do not speak fluently in Russian, Skype Translator is the ideal solution for you. It is easy to install on your computer. We have tested it successfully in our matchmaking agency with many clients. As you speak in English your Russian bride at the other side will be able to read what you just said on her screen….in Russian! And as she speaks in Russian, Skype Translator will display a translation in English on your screen!

See on this link the procedure to install Skype Translator

Good luck for your first Skype meeting with your Russian woman and remember carefully our advices. Our Matchmaking agency is here to help you at all time!

Exemple of successful meeting with Ukrainian bride :(German Study)

Ukrainian women at a young age are mainly occupied with the search for a potential husband, Western women are self-focused and career-oriented - or not? In Germany, even in modern times, one can repeatedly observe how widespread such ideas about gender roles are in Ukraine and within one's own society. As part of Mrs. Graf's lecture on gender and the categorisation according to social gender, I interviewed two Ukrainian men and got to the bottom of the gender issue in more detail. "I'll see myself in Germany, Australia or Canada in five years, I'm sure. As far as my career or family planning is concerned, I am not yet sure: on the one hand, it is important to earn money and be able to pay the rent for an apartment. But the family is also important and by that I don't mean my parents, but that you build up your own family," says Bogdan, who is currently doing a doctorate in legal translations at Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev and has already spent several stays in Germany. What about women? Are there really noticeable differences between German and Ukrainian women? According to Bogdan: "German women are more independent. Of course there are also girls at my university who are very career-oriented and pursue their own goals, but they don't make up the majority. In fact, many female students here are mainly looking for a suitable man and want to get married as soon as possible." I found this fact personally very interesting - as a German student I myself always had the opposite impression that Ukrainian young women are more independent and in many ways more self-confident than my national women.

A concrete view of the situation in his own country has also Sascha, 30 years old and working in the media industry. "Perhaps this applies to all European women, but when I was in Germany I noticed that women there have different priorities from those in Germany. Our women want to marry primarily, which makes it very difficult for me as a man. This is even more drastic in rural areas than here in Kiev. As soon as you approach 25, it's always the same when you meet a woman: she wants to marry you." Being still unmarried in your late twenties and not wanting to get married in the near future is therefore a social problem in Ukraine. The pressure to be married at the age of 25 in order not to be considered "strange" or to let friends and family speculate that "something is wrong with you" is also enormous in younger generations. "This is then seen as a catastrophe for the entire family," says Sascha. He also sees this as the decisive difference with regard to gender roles in Europe and the Ukraine: "Especially for the generation that is now around 40, 45 years old, this was a big problem in their young years: an unmarried woman really had a hard time. In our generation around 30, the situation has loosened a little, but to be unmarried at 30 still seems abnormal to most." This attitude is favoured - Sascha interprets it - by the widespread assumption within Ukrainian society that one should have children up to the age of 30, as otherwise it would be dangerous and harmful to health. "That is why many people simply marry their current partner so that the family and everyone else are reassured and this desired status is achieved, even if it is often not out of love".


Hits 7481 times Last modified on Tuesday, 16 October 2018 15:40

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