
About Russian women

About Russian women
Russian women will rip you off Russian women will rip you off Matchmaking agency in Ukraine and Russia

If you marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman, beware you will get ripped off!

28 August 2016

It is well known, come on, who can doubt for a second that Russian women are all crooks in high heels. Russian women are after your money, your wallet, or even worse, they want to marry you to get a visa to leave their countries. There are still naive men who can get caught, but not you! You are knowledgable about the issue. You know all those stories and videos presented by CQMI are nothing but a smokescreen. Behind the Slavic beauty always lies a dishonest woman, who will use you and your money. Let us take a look behind the scene in this humorous as well as ironic article.

QUIZ : Measure your chances of success with a Slavic woman

Russian or Ukrainian woman wants to leave their respective country

At first sight, the reasoning seems fully justified. If you listen to the media in North America, you'll rarely hear anything good about Russia or Eastern Europe. There is just disaster, misery, and other dictatorship madness. So Russian and Ukrainian women want to leave their countries for Canada, the US, or Europe to avoid the depression of their country. Have you ever personally traveled to these countries to check for yourself? Is the situation so bad?

Cities such as St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Novosibirsk (where I attended a university) are rapidly growing communities. They are wealthier than the largest metropolis' in Canada. Moscow and St. Petersburg both make Montreal look like a small town.

Of course, you will say that the situation is not as good in small provincial towns and you are right, but in this case, why go abroad? Why not just go to a big city in Russia or Ukraine? It is much more convenient, as there is no need to learn another language.

And what about the war between Russia and Ukraine? This inaccessible area is only two small regions in Ukraine, but do you think a girl whose family is in the middle of the conflict will dream to flee her family and leave her brothers, parents in a war to bask in the Miami sun by a pool? I will always remember my interview with Katia, who fled the city of Donetsk and left her family because her mother ordered her to study in Kyiv. She hopes to return and be close to her family. Shame on those who think these terrible thoughts about Slavic Women!

Shame on those who put in the head of the girls these miserable thoughts that belong to them.

Russian and Ukrainian women only want my wallet!

It is very fashionable to accuse all Russian and Ukrainian women, without exception, if wanting to rip you off your money. The blame falls on rogue international dating agencies whose owners are mostly American, European, Greek, and Arabic. These dishonest people use the beauty of Slavic women to bait and entice naive men looking for love or sex. These marriage agencies use forged letters, costly appointments, and fake profiles to lure and defraud men. Therefore, Russian and Ukrainian women are bait. When a fish gets caught by a hook with a worm, is it the worm's fault?

The cost of living in Ukraine is lower than in western countries, and the tendency is for some Russian or Ukrainian people to increase the price when they see a stranger. After all, this can go unnoticed for the western foreigner since he usually pays much more in his country. It's a fact, and you are right. For this reason, our romantic trips in Ukraine, utilize an assistant for each man who will guide you, like a mother, a sister, a guardian angel, and whose mission is to protect you. Your assistance is a local native and knows the fair prices for goods and services and will prevent you from being exploited.

With Russian women, it's always me who pays

The modern man in Western societies is weak. He is not quite sure of who he is and his role. He got used to being driven by women. The modern man has lost his role as a provider and guardian of financial security. This a shame if you ask me because I'd like someone to explain our role? Stay home and take care of the garden?

In Slavic countries of Eastern Europe, a man must be able to guarantee the safety of the woman he desires. Do you want to get married to a lovely feminine woman? Do you like the difference between the sexes? So I have a question for you:

Are you a man, able to provide for your family?

Another question I asked one of our guests this summer:

Do you think that a Ukrainian woman who is ten years younger than you and earns about thirty times less money must pay for her meal, her taxi, and a train ticket to see you?

Be realistic in your expectations. You come from a culture that has distorted the values ​​of gender relations. If you ask a young woman to pay her bill in a restaurant while she earns around $100 a month, do not travel to Ukraine or Russia. Just look for a feminist in your country!


QUIZ : Measure your chances of success with a Slavic woman

Russian or Ukrainian women seek only a visa; she does not care about you.

I especially like this pretentious argument. The implication is clear. I live in Canada, France, and the USA, so I live in a rich country while you, my poor, you live in the Third World. Russia and Ukraine are third world countries.

Have you ever traveled and seen those countries?

The reality is different. In Eastern European countries, there is a shortage of men willing to start a family. Women are fighting each other to find a serious man and even more so after the age of 40. According to a lot of serious studies, the low life expectancy in Russia is due to vodka. While our Canadian and European men play sports and moderate drinking, Slavic men smoke and drink to excess. The result is not surprising, and the statistics prove it: in Canada, the male population outnumbers the female population.

Now try to analyze these treacherous women without a heart who seeks a visa. Most of them have a job, a house, friends, family, and a certain number of strong ties to their country. To immigrate, she must quit her job, sell her car, end her lease, sell her apartment, leave family, leave friends, and learn a new language from a country with a new mentality. All this for what? For a visa.

I think you place too much importance on your passport. Ask yourself this question, would you do all of this for a visa?

couple 2

When your Russian bride arrives in Canada or USA, she'll divorce and leave you for another man, and you will remain alone like an idiot.

She seems sweet, gentle, devoted, and sincere. It is because she is hiding something from you. She has a hidden agenda, of course! She is waiting to get her papers, and then she will slip away, neither seen nor known. But you're smart, and you are better than that. So now read data pulled off the very official US statistics site:

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reports that marriages arranged through mail order bride services would appear to have a lower divorce rate than the nation as a whole. Eighty percent of these marriages having lasted over the years for which reports are available. The USCIS also reports that mail-order bride and e-mail correspondence services result in four thousand to six thousand marriages between American men and foreign brides each year.

So if I read between the lines, we come to a divorce rate of 20%.

In Quebec, according to our expert Yvon Dallaire, divorce rates have reached 67% for married couples married since 1990:

In Quebec, 3 of 4 divorces are by women. The reason: Women tire of their marriage, and also because divorce is financially beneficial for a Quebec woman.

So in the end, who is the man who made the right choice?

Skeptics believe that a Russian woman will behave just like a Quebec woman when they arrive in Canada.

No, because Steven Harper, our previous Prime Minister, thought of this to counter the fictitious marriages between Canadian citizens and Cuban or Dominican citizens. Both Canadian men and women were concerned about this.

Canada Immigration:

As of October 25, 2012, CIC amended the Immigration Regulations and the protection of refugees. These amendments specify that spouses and conjugal partners whose relationship with the respondent is less than two years and have no children are subject to a period of conditional permanent residence. The law requires that a spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner live in a relationship for two years after receiving a permanent residency permit.

The measure only affects permanent residents who applied on October 25, 2012, or later. Thus, an early divorce could lead to the sponsored partner losing their permanent residency.

Important note, this Regulation has been modified in 2017 by Justin Trudeau's government as follows:

Government of Canada Eliminates Conditional Permanent Residence

Conclusion: if your Russian or Ukrainian woman chooses to immigrate by interest and then she divorces, the Canadian government keeps her Permanent resident status.


The Treacherous and dishonest Russian or Ukrainian woman who is part of an international dating agency is looking for a naive man to take his money and get his Canadian or French passport. Let's see the path that awaits her:

  • The potential bride goes through a preliminary interview with our representative in Kyiv.
  • She must take pictures at her own expense.
  • Then the woman has a psychological interview via Skype, and we check her official documents.
  • Then she will come to Kyiv to meet the man.
  • She is analyzed and monitored by your assistant, who will accompany you and who has received specific instructions from the CQMI dating agency.
  • She will have to go through the Canada Immigration obstacle course (background check, medical, tax, education, and marital status).
  • She will then leave her job, her apartment, her friends, and her family.
  • She will have to adapt to a new mindset and learn a new language.
  • She will have to make friends in an entirely new and different country.
  • She will be dependent on you for many years without income sources.
  • In case of divorce, she returns to her home country.

So I have a question for you:

What is in it for her if she is not sincere and motivated by family life?


How lonely hearts are ripped off on the Internet : Rip off dating agency

Our dating agency regularly receives numerous calls and messages from gentlemen who have met a "great Russian or Ukrainian woman" on the Internet and would like to visit her in Canada soon. However, for a visit to Canada, the poor "dream woman" needs money. The expenses are enormous - a few hundred for the visa, then for the plane tickets and another 50€-60€ per day for the stay in Canada. Quickly come together a few thousand euros. But the Russian or Ukrainian woman is soooo in love and wants to see the gentleman absolutely!

Attention fraud! Attention rip-off! Attention Scammer!

 beautiful woman portrait

How to recognize the scam:

1. you get to know the Russian or Ukrainian woman on a free singles exchange. In the process, the woman usually writes to you. Often the gentlemen report that you get the messages of the ladies by e-mail.

What is behind it? On free singles exchanges, the scammers cavort to find potential victims. They know that many men have the hope to find a great, pretty and younger girlfriend somewhere for free.

How can you avoid this? It's simple - avoid such sites! If you want to meet a great woman from Ukraine or Russia, contact a reputable agency. Free cheese is only available in the mouse trap.


2. the Russian or Ukrainian woman is usually much younger than you (Attention! But there are a few exceptions)and very attractive. You will receive many pretty pictures of the "woman". Also many amateur pictures or pictures with pets, friends or relatives. As "security" you will receive a passport copy of the woman.

What is behind it? The scammers know that attractive and young women are most popular with gentlemen. In this case, the pictures of real but ignorant women are stolen from Russian Facebook and sent to the gentleman.

How to avoid this? Think about it. Does it often happen to you in Canada/US/Germany/Switzerland/Austria that a much younger and attractive woman expresses interest in you? No? Then it will not be the case in here either (unless she wants your money). Please be realistic. Also young and pretty Russian or Ukrainian women usually want to meet a young and pretty man.

Regarding the passport copy: in the age of photoshop everything can be faked. Even passports.


3. the woman from Eastern Europe writes very nice, long and regular mails to you. The Russian or Ukrainian woman describes her feelings in detail and makes you feel like the most important person. Some women from Eastern Europe go one step further and profess to be in love with you. They are showered with compliments and feel very comfortable in the role of a dream man. The Russian or Ukrainian is eager to meet you and would like to get to know you as soon as possible, preferably during a visit to Germany. Gladly, the stay can be three weeks or even three months.

What is behind it? The scammers do not do this for the first time and know exactly how to play with the feelings of a lonely man. A single man longs for attention, compliments and finally for the really big love. And the rip-off artists take advantage of that.

The desire of "the Eastern European woman" to visit you in Germany is also easy to explain. This is the way to earn the most money from you. Visa fees, plane tickets or 50€-60€ per day for the stay in Germany bring in a few thousand.

How can you avoid this? Be suspicious! A woman who has never seen you will never write such emotional mails and report that she has fallen in love with you. Also the proposal to visit you in Canada should be eyed with caution. Especially if the Russian or Ukrainian woman proposes to visit you for several weeks or even months. Fake! Fake! Fake! No woman will stay with you for several weeks/months to get to know you. For this you would have to be able to quit your job and put aside all private obligations.

Our CQMI dating agency has discovered an interesting documentary on this topic. It is worth watching it! 


QUIZ : Measure your chances of success with a Slavic woman

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