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Sex and Russian Women

17 April 2017

Provocative, sexually engaging, superlatives rain when it comes to describing these Russian Barbie dolls in high heel and mini skirt that you see on the internet in photo, video or fashion magazines. The Russian woman dreams, it stimulates your imagination and your libido undoubtedly. But what about her sexuality? How are Russian women in bed? Have you ever wondered? Are they in the image of their external appearance of creatures of lust and passion? Reality will surprise you. Being outrageously feminine does not necessarily mean being a prostitute. If the Slavic woman likes to wear heels, lipstick and excite the eyes of men, it is because she wants to affirm her sexual difference. It's not necessarily because she wants to sleep with you!

QUIZ : Measure your chances of success with a Slavic woman

The ratio of men to women in the countries of the former Soviet Union

In order to understand the Russian woman's sexuality, a return to history allows us to understand that Soviet women suffered terribly during the Second World War and ended up with each other towards the end of the war. With nearly 50 million dead on the side of Russian fighters including civilians, Slavic women face a cruel man's deficit when Russian tanks return to Moscow. Alesia in her video explains this interesting historical phenomenon that led to a devaluation of women for the benefit of men in Russia and Ukraine.

To attract the eyes of a man, the Russian woman is feminized to excess

The consequence of this is that women from the countries of the former Soviet Union have had to compete fiercely to find their Male! All means are good. In St. Petersburg, on a business trip, I met a beautiful Russian blonde woman who accepted in all humility to become the second wife of a businessman already married. Indeed, the deficit of serious men creates surprising situations for us who live in Canada, country in which the male population is superior to the female population.

heels russian

Ukrainian woman knows how to hypnotize you with her body

In Ukraine and Russia there is no need to be an expert in sexology to understand that female representatives use absolutely every possible resource to captivate the eye of man and hypnotize you. I would always remember one of my Swiss friends with me in St. Petersburg to study Pushkin's language. After a week of classes, he literally disappeared to find herself in the bars of bare dancers, the arms of luxury whores, in gentlemen's clubs, to be washed away financially. I finally found him in late summer with a cluster of Russian girls with bad lives who had swindled her a coquettish sum of 10,000 euros in less than a month. Sex has its demands!

But what is the reality behind the facade of the ostentatious sexual object?

The reality is quite different, and you may already have noticed by watching our videos testimonies of Russian women. Russian women of Slavic tradition are the guardians of the family nucleus. Apart from a rare percentage of the Russian female population who earns their living on the streets of Moscow, Slavic women are more concerned with the notion of family than with the notion of sex or the multiplication of sexual partners.

The Slavic society's judgment on the morals of girls

I will always remember the confidence of Marina in Samara who had explained to me that I felt a severe pain in the stomach before going to the family meals. At 26, alone, unmarried, not yet married, she had to undergo a pitiless judgment of society and her close family. A young Slavic woman must marry young and have children, her social status depends on it. In North America, it is precisely the opposite. The society judges women who marry too young and leave their studies and careers.

So finally, sex or not when you travel in Russia?

If you will ask me the question directly, then I will answer you in the same way. If a Ukrainian woman decides to make love with you on a first trip, tell her that it is likely that she would have had the same behavior with another man before you or after you. Ask yourself about his seriousness. Dating agency CQMI does not organize sex tourism tours or Sex tours. We allow you to meet a Slavic woman to found a family that must last on time.

QUIZ : Measure your chances of success with a Slavic woman


Nobody flirts better than Russian women

Red lips, hydrogenated blonde hair, micro-miniskirt - the average image of Russian women is one of prejudice. But one thing is sure: when it comes to flirting, Russian women have an advantage that may seem strange. Unlike French women, they have no inhibitions about their femininity.

Nina Hagen knew the drill: "If you're sexy, you have to flirt!" And when it comes to flirting, Eastern European women, especially Russians, make Western women swoon.

I became aware of this again recently in a Berlin bar where, in addition to drinks and smoking, there was a wide selection of Porsche keys, deep glimpses of freshly shaved muscles under unbuttoned men's shirts, red lips and miniskirts. A wonderland, a trip back in time to a Canadian nightlife before the unisex student overkill.

A young Russian woman looked even more ravishing than anyone else in this enchanted place. Her towering high heels were firmly planted in the ground, her loose shoulders and small hips covered with a thin fabric swayed back and forth to the rhythm of the soft house music. Fragile, doll-like, these delicate movements seemed; her gaze, however, was uncompromising. The good dozen men around her applauded the dance - and said they were deeply sorry when the Russian left the round at the end, accompanied only by her friend.

"Moscow girls make me sing and scream" - even the Beatles sang about the delicate appeal of Russian women. Their special charm, at least according to the men in my circle of friends and acquaintances, lies primarily in the fact that they do not consider femininity as a characteristic of the weaker sex, but as a lifelong celebration.

Russian women expect men to pay the bill in restaurants. They let their husbands hold the door for them, put on their coats and, in exchange for these attentions in a possible future marriage, they proudly prepare meals for their husbands. This old-fashioned friendliness has nothing to do with servility. 

Most American women do not want to give the impression that they cannot take care of themselves on a first date. And since they are not easy to get, they usually try to make this clear by not letting the man impress them too much, instead of being wooed like a diva. This is based on the desire to be emancipated in all respects. Right from the start, even when flirting.

The decoupling of sex and procreation has opened up sexual self-determination to them. The invention of the pill and the legalization of abortion put them on a crucial path to a new quality of life. "This new type of woman, characterized by financial independence and a high level of education, is accompanied by the fact that they also flirt more frequently and more naturally than they did a few years ago," explains partnership sociologist Bastian.

Women slip into the role of the conqueror

It's true that American women also have a wide repertoire of flirting skills: "from eye contact to head tilts to highlighting their physical charms. However, more and more women like to get straight to the point: "Especially in the group of women under 35, we observe that women are increasingly slipping into the role of the conqueror. They no longer want to wait for a man to make the first move. They want to choose the man, the time and the place themselves," explains Bastian Schwithal. At the same time, their demands and expectations of their partner increase. According to Schwithal, the man in their life should be "attractive and humorous, earn money, change the children in the evening and at the same time be a good lover". Beauty alone is no longer enough - but it helps with initiation, flirting.

My girlfriend's boyfriend makes women weak. Or rather: He makes them lustful and frivolous. At least, that's how it was in the bar in question. Because while the Russian girl was turning men's heads, women who paid less attention to my friend's boyfriend were making passes at him: "You're so handsome, so magnificently tall," breathed one lady at the bar as she handed him another drink. Dressed in tight jeans, a low-cut blouse, and eyes full of makeup, she looked like a front page girl - so I'll call her that for simplicity's sake.

My girlfriend's boyfriend makes women weak. Or rather: He makes them lustful and frivolous. At least, that's how it was in the bar in question. For while the Russian woman was turning men's heads, women who paid less attention to my friend's boyfriend were making passes at him: "You're so handsome, so magnificently tall," breathed one lady at the bar as she handed him another drink. Dressed in tight jeans, a low-cut blouse, and eyes full of makeup, she looked like a front page girl - so I'll call her that for simplicity's sake.

The girl casually told him, my friend's boyfriend, that she also wanted to have been a "Playmate" once. In no time, she asked him where he trained his "beautiful body", that is, in the same gym as her: "What a coincidence", she noted with a smile. And took her leave with the original announcement that "the sauna area" there was "sensational".

See you soon. Maybe. For sure.

beautiful girl

Man pays for the passion of luxury

They are called "Soderzhanki" those women in Russian who declared their flawless beauty and seductive appearance as their goal in life, in order to catch the richest possible man who will pay them for their passion for luxury. Influenced by the era of the Soviet Union, most women, however, did not reduce themselves to housework, children and shopping. Until 1989, almost all women worked and had children at the same time, and this is still the case today. Their need for expensive clothes also has a cultural basis: "In the Soviet Union, cars and houses were hardly accessible as status symbols. Therefore, beauty played an extremely important role as a means of social distinction," explains cultural historian Anna Tikhomirova, who compares women's fashion in the Soviet Union and the GDR in her thesis.

For Russian women, a good look is synonymous with an unabashedly feminine appearance by French standards. High-heeled shoes, tight-fitting clothes, impeccably manicured nails and an elaborate hairstyle are considered essential. "In the former USSR, stinginess is not considered excitement at all," says Tikhomirova.

Nor is it exciting to directly or indirectly ask a man for sex, as is the popular prejudice of the "wanton Russian." Rather, for Russian women, flirting means "following the old-school rules, where the man has to be a man, i.e. show initiative and woo the woman," Tikhomirova says.

But "they give different signs in an intense and offensive way, playing with their hair, for example, and speaking in an emphatically feminine, somewhat bitchy way. They play the seductive vamp." If you want, you can even take tutoring classes to learn how to do this.

For example, at Alyona Mouse's "Flirt School" in Perm, Siberia. Women aged 16 and over can pay several hundred euros to learn "stervologija" - the "science of being a bad girl" - from Ms. Mouse. If you want to be a bad girl, first of all you need to be confident, says student Anastasia Brilunova. "I like my age now, my appearance. I don't compare myself to other girls anymore," she says.

Besides, she has now "learned to honor the man. I don't try to pay the bill myself at restaurants or open a jar of pickles by myself anymore. Our beloved or unloved men are quite capable of fulfilling their role. In Siberia, I learned to let men be what they are."

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