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Between 50 and 60 direct contacts for 100 euros meet ukrainian woman

Between 50 and 60 direct contacts for 100 euros

10 March 2021

Dear Friend,


Between 50 and 60 direct contacts in almost 2 weeks, for the staggering sum of 100 euros.

This is what we observe for customers who have chosen our subscription formula at 100 euros per month.

Please note that I am not talking about the number of letters exchanged on a site where you pay 5 euros per letter translated.

No, I am talking about 50 to 60 single women who have given you their direct contact information (Email, Skype, Viber) because they are interested in learning more about you to develop a relationship.

Yes, you read that right, in the space of a month (sometimes less) some men receive so many contacts that we are forced to call them back to order because they no longer have time to respond to messages from women they have chosen themselves!

The world turned upside down...

Some men even decide to hide their profile before the end of their monthly subscription.

In other words, one month is almost too long for this subscription because you will receive so many contacts!




This is the dream formula for a man looking for a woman in Ukraine.

This formula combines all the advantages for you:

1- Choose all the profiles you want without any limit.

2- No filtering on our part since the women receive your request instantly.

3- All profiles are verified on our site, which means that every acceptance means that the relationship starts on a solid basis.

4- Monthly subscription lasts only 1 month, no need to renew!

5- Women can also choose you, which saves you time in your search and allows you to talk with highly motivated women.


Do you want a first proof?

Have you noticed how many women's profiles are disappearing from our site lately?

Why do you think they are disappearing?

They already consider themselves in a relationship...




Here are some testimonies received recently:


Here is the message from Sebastian - 58 years old in Sweden :

"The little all-automatic system you set up works pretty well.

I have been able to contact new women, others have contacted me. The last ones are even very young, 36 and 34 years old.

I am quite satisfied actually. It is important to underline that when it works well.


I am in correspondence with more or less eight women, between 35 and 50 years old, more or less motivated. The ones who are the most motivated are, not surprisingly, the ones who have contacted me.

Out of these eight women, there are well over half of them that I like very much and with whom I could imagine myself living.

I hope they will eventually find the time to do a video conference.


I was thinking about your rate of €100 per month. Assuming a man renews the subscription for a year, that's €1200.

This is exactly the same price as a six-month subscription, renewable once for free, in a Canadian marriage agency like Unicentre.

This seems to make sense even though I am well aware that a company like Unicentre has much lower costs than you do. There are no employees."


Message from Claude 66 in Quebec who turned down 57 applications in less than 2 weeks.

"How do I eliminate the profiles that no longer interest me?
Thank you for your professionalism, I am surprised by this efficiency and quality.
Have a nice evening

One of our Canadian clients who signed up 2 weeks earlier got exactly 52 direct contacts from women he solicited or who solicited him.





So what do you think?

Is this offer interesting for you?

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that Ukrainian borders are now open to foreigners.

What could prevent you from taking advantage of this offer which is currently unbeatable!

If you find another formula on the market that allows you to get the same quality of service, then I will reimburse you.

To register, you can go to this page to make your deposit:


I want to try a month with no commitment!


Or you can simply reply to this letter or write me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


I wish you a healthy weekend!



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