Ukrainian and Russian Bride dating advices - CQMI blog
4 Weddings in 2 Weeks !
Dear Friend,
The pandemic doesn't seem to be dampening our customers' enthusiasm, to say the least.
It is incomprehensible to say the least.
Last week, I presented the testimony of Bruno and Viktoria (link here) who were married in Odessa in 2021.
At the same time, a few days apart, Sam and Svetlana got married in Ukraine, too.
Sam is a man from Quebec, a craftsman with modest means and it took him a 1 month subscription (total 100 euros) to meet Svetlana in our agency.
Here is what Victoria (CQMI employee) wrote to us:
"Svetlana married Samuel. He came to visit her in Dubai and asked her to marry him. He met her family and asked for her hand in marriage. On January 27, 2021, they registered their marriage in Ukraine. Svetlana is very grateful to our agency. She wrote that she was initially skeptical about online dating, but thanks to the professionalism of our company she met a wonderful man - her husband, and now she is very happy. I asked her to write a review about us and send photos. She wrote that she would be happy to do so. The professional wedding photos are not ready yet, just from my phone at the moment. As soon as the professional photos are ready, she promised to send them also ?. As soon as she sends an evaluation, I will forward it."
Wait, it's not over yet, yesterday morning I was informed of another wedding in Ukraine with one of our Canadian clients...
And this morning it is Marko (a Finnish client) who tells us about his marriage with Ella. To be exact, it is Ella who informed us about her marriage. :-)
News to follow.
So, how to explain a multiplication of engagements in this period which seems, a priori, very not very favourable to establish links.
I wrote to you last week, the family is coming back in force.
And frankly, I won't complain about it.
As borders close, as planes become increasingly scarce, as travel agencies close, the instinctive need to marry becomes stronger and stronger in you.
No, absolutely not.
Our world has been shaking for more than a year now, and there is no indication that the situation will stabilize in the short or medium term.
My prognosis is that tomorrow's world will be similar to what we are experiencing now.
There will be no return to normal, as it was before.
I give you an example of a letter that I receive quite regularly:
"Hi Antoine,
your offer is really interesting but you understand that this is not the right time to start a long distance communication with a woman in Ukraine.
I will wait for the situation to return to normal and obviously I will deal with your agency, which I think is the most serious. Let's be patient...
thank you for everything...Patrick"
But Patrick is not entirely wrong, he is not entirely right either.
Patrick is not entirely wrong to think that this is not the right time to travel, I agree.
Conversely Patrick is not entirely right to wait for better days. Because nothing makes me think that we will see the world as it was before the pandemic.
However, we can think and hope logically that there will be a window of opportunity next summer, which could last a few weeks at most.
At that time, we will have to be ready to act while there is still time.
And this is the reason why we have to start the remote communication now!
This is a piece of advice that I give you. The possibility that I am wrong exists but remains quite slim.
I am willing to bet that winter 2022 will be worse than winter 2021 in terms of travel, pandemic and restrictions.
Sam, Bruno and others, made a different analysis.
It can be summed up in 6 words:
"Let's act while there's still time!"
Tomorrow's world will be much more constraining than the one we know today.
Air transport will undergo a profound transformation, with technological constraints that will become dissuasive.
Borders will close even more systematically.
The virtual will be the rule, not a choice, but an obligation.
Here, to make myself clear, I will use a metaphor.
You know the example of parents who say in raising their children:
"I can't wait for my son to learn how to walk so he doesn't break my back."
then when the son can walk:
"I can't wait for him to be able to eat alone with his fork."
"I can't wait for him to go to school."
In short, at each stage, we are eager to reach the next stage without suspecting that the worst of the worst is adolescence ...
Well in our case, it's the same. Even with all the constraints currently in place, I guarantee you that next year it will be even more complex to meet a woman in Ukraine.
At least, that's what I believe.
I am convinced that hundreds of laboratories around the world are currently building technological tools that will allow better control of populations.
This is what we call artificial intelligence.
Before you can board a plane you will have to pass a series of automated tests with a robot as your interlocutor.
Get ready, it's for tomorrow!
That's why, if like me, you think family is the last bastion, you should act now!
The family remains and will remain forever an inviolable sanctuary.
In a highly robotized and virtual world, don't you dream of living with a wife and children?
It seems obvious to me.
Finally, to conclude, I want to answer the question that all men ask me:
"Antoine, I don't really like subscriptions, I'm afraid I can't stop payments. How does it work exactly?"
I'll say it again:
This subscription is without obligation!
You make no commitment.
You can stop at any time.
As a general rule, one month is enough to get as many contacts as you want.
Yes I want to try a month without commitment!
Or you can simply reply to this letter or write to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
I wish you a healthy weekend!

Antoine Monnier
A étudié à CQPNL Centre québécois de PNL