
Ukrainian and Russian Bride dating advices - CQMI blog

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Are you looking for a Russian woman speaking English or French?

09 July 2015

Dear Gentlemen, are you looking for a serious relationship with a Russian woman speaking english or French? It has to be because you think that a Russian woman speaking english or French will adapt much easier to the life in Canada. You are only half right!

In general, Russian women demonstrate high level of adaptability. However, there will be an inevitable adaptation period during which your woman from Eastern Europe will experience not only pleasure and excitement facing the new challenge, but also anxiety. Contrary to what you can think, the quickness of her adaptation in Canada will little depend on her level of english.

The acclimation of persons who change the country passes, in general, in three stages : an initial stage of enthusiasm and pleasure facing the new culture, which lasts approximately from 2 to 3 months, followed by an extended recovery period, sometimes accompanied by cultural chock, which can last approximatively between 3 and 12 months. This ends with a period of complete adaptation.

Therefore, it’s very important to know the particularities of these three stages of the adaptation in a foreign country to help your Russian woman to pass this special period, and to make it more pleasant for her.

1. The period of enthusiasme and fascination for Russian women speaking French or English

Russian and Ukrainian women speaking French are rather rare, because, as everywhere in the world and particularly in the countries of Eastern Europe, the most learned foreign language is English, and most of our charming lady members speak English. However, we also have some French-speaking members (particularly in Samara).

No doubt, knowledge of the national language is vital and greatly facilitates the process of the integration into a new society. On the other hand, you can make a valuable contribution to the adaptation process of your Russian woman. A woman who would find herself a good husband would feel like she’s able to achieve her ambitions abroad as well as she would have done it in Russia. It would be good to make this period as long as possible.

2. Gradual adaptation of Slavic woman speaking French or English.

A Slavic woman who changes the country can encounter some difficulties. Be assured that it’s absolutely normal that she would experience cultural chock. The contact of the cultures is inevitably stressing, but it brings eventually a mutual enrichment and, paradoxically, allows you to better identify, know and value the elements of your own culture.

Russian women are both romantic and realistic. They have been able to keep traditional moral values and a certain sense of romance. At the same time they are able to establish an active working life.

The Russian women from our database of profiles have a good  level of education, and very often they have an interesting job (unfortunately, it’s rarely well paid). They will be able to fit in the modern Quebec society. These beautiful Slavic women will be able to take jobs particularly in service or financial sectors. They can also benefit from their proficiency in foreign languages (French and English) to do secretarial work or make the teaching.

3. Integration of your true love into her new environment.

The adversities through which Slavic women from the former Soviet bloc have recently passed during great social and cultural upheavals made them more courageous and resourceful, and helped them to develop a great adaptability.

During the process of the adaptation to a new culture, your Slavic woman will have to maintain a link between members of her culture of origin and people of the host country. There are a large Russian and Ukrainian community in Quebec, which could facilitate her integration. Your spouse who will join you to live in Quebec will need to be surrounded by supporting people to better integrate herself. The members of this community pursue the goal of helping Russian women who founded a family in Quebec to adapt to the life in a foreign country, while ensuring that links with the Russian culture are being maintained. This is particularly important for the children who are born outside of Russia within inter-ethnical marriages.

Thanks to the agency CQMI, you can very quickly meet a Russian woman (even a French-speaking one) who will be able to bring sunshine to your life!

Sign up right now on http://www.cqmi.ca/en/free-registration  and we’ll call you to arrange the first free meeting.

Thanks to CQMI, your woman from Eastern Europe has become nearer than ever!

Hits 7349 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 16:18

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