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Achieve happiness with a Russian woman in 5 steps.

17 July 2015

When a man and a woman meet each other, they should, ideally, be sure they wish to spend their whole lives together. People can date each other and even fall in love with each other, but it’s much more difficult to find a person with whom you would share your whole life. In fact, there are not many persons with whom we are compatible enough to share our everyday life and it does not depend wether this woman is russian or from your own country.

Family psychology has a theory according to which every couple must pass through certain stages to achieve happiness. It’s like climbing stairs on top of which the marriage is. It’s strongly recommended not to miss a step, not to skip steps, but pass them consecutively. All these stages are relevant both for man and for woman.

  1.       ATTRACTION. Man falls in love through his eyes, while woman is interested in man as a person, regardless of his physical appearance. At this stage, people never talk about love. This stage is the basis of a love relationship.
  2.       PHYSICAL CONTACT. This doesn’t mean to have an intimate relationship. There are usually doubts and questions at this stage, for example: Do I really need this woman (this man) in my life? It’s absolutely normal to have such kind of doubts. Man must remain independent at this stage and, preferably, not rush things.
  3.       DESIRE TO BE UNIQUE IN THE OTHER’S LIFE. At this stage, a woman wants to spend all her time with just one man, while the man, in his turn, wants to be only with her, he wants to strengthen the relationship and to learn more about the woman he loves.
  4.       EMOTIONAL CONNECTION. At this stage, the man and the woman should be emotionally honest and natural to show both their qualities and their flaws. They should not be afraid of opening themselves up to each other.  It’s very important!
  5.       ENGAGEMENT AND MARRIAGE. It’s the last step of the ladder that leads to a harmonious relationship between the partners. It’s important to remember that there are many people with whom you can fall in love but not necessarily share your life.

By consecutively passing through all these stages without the fear of losing your partner, you’ll be able to create and maintain a happy marriage and to know whether you want to spend your whole life with the person in question.

Now the question comes: What I do to meet my soul mate or my other half? Everyone is originally holistic, and every one of us should look for the whole person and not for our half. Everyone must find a person with whom to walk the road together. There are families around us that have succeeded in reaching this peak of family happiness. These families are very few, but you see them, they are always happy.

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Hits 4226 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 16:45

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