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CQMI Dating Agency, a special guest on CBC Radio-Canada

13 August 2015

In Pénélope McQuade and Jean-Luc Mongrain’s program aired on Radio-Canada on Sunday, 21 June 2015, the CQMI dating agency was presented as a sign of confidence and respectability. Is it really acceptable to date a russian bride when you come from Canada ?

The director of the dating agency, Antoine Monnier, introduces his agency as another option for single men looking for love and especially for traditional family values. In his conversation with Pénélope McQuade and Jean-Luc Mongrain Mr Monnier focuses on the agency’s mission and family values, a certain return to the roots that our clients seem to like.

This excerpt highlights the serious meetings between Quebec men and our beautiful and educated candidates from Eastern Europe. It’s his love for Slavic culture that motivated the director of our dating agency to specialise in the countries of Eastern Europe.

Antoine Monnier shares the view that man and woman must complement each other, and not compete against each other. Man is a provider of the family, and woman often assumes a role that’s a bit more domestic and devotes herself entirely to the education of her children.

In addition, we handle our process in a very simple way, from the registration on our website to the first trip to Eastern Europe.

You can see the program on http://ici.radio-canada.ca/tele/penelope-mcquade/2015/episodes/352238/21-juin?isAutoPlay=1

Your comments are welcome. Good viewing!

Hits 4944 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 17:04

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