A Sunday night in Kiev Summer 2016

Today we take off in Ukraine for new adventures, so it is time for calm and relaxation with this little video of a few minutes to remember the heat this summer 2016 in Ukraine. One of the hottest summers in the country. To refresh, the inhabitants of this vast metropolis of Eastern Europe will swim along the Dnieper or the beach of a lake on the outskirts of urban centers. The children scream in the water while parents prepare pork skewers on the grill over a wood fire. Relaxation, peace of Sunday night before returning to school or work. We spent beautiful moments this summer in Ukraine and we hope to spend even more beautiful this fall in Ukraine exactly one year after accompanying Olivier who got married this summer with the beautiful Elena. Remember that was exactly one year ago.

The month of October carries with it great promise for the future and success. It's an interesting time of the year because the temperature is milder than in the summer and we are before the cold of winter, which can be harsh in Ukraine. It is a time that I find conducive to romance and romantic walks under the leaves falling from the trees. This makes me think of a romantic date in a cafe with a cup of hot tea. Human warmth is more comforting when sharing beautiful moments to discover that person who may become the love of your life.

Meet a woman in another country and another culture is also discovering the place where she comes from. You can never understand the woman you love if you do not understand her origins. So enjoy these pictures and sign up for our next trip to Ukraine!


Additional Info

  • Language: french
  • Translation ID: 436