Elena, Ukrainian Woman from Zaporozhe, speaking English, Russian ID:19448
Age43 Leo
Born inZaporozhe, Ukraine
Height170 cm
Weight62 kg
Hair Colourblack
Eye Colourblue-gray
Last Visit2024-02-14
Marital StatusDivorced
Children in householdYes
Children in householdSon (13)
Education2 University Diplomas
ProfessionAssociate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Special Education
About myself...
My name is Elena, I am a beautiful single Ukrainian woman with gray-blue eyes and black hair from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. I was born in Zaporozhye/Ukraine.Education: social work, special education.
I am a bright, intelligent, creative, positive and independent woman.
I am honest in my relationships, I respect my partner, I understand his needs and I can help him to achieve his goals. Professional development and social activity are important to me, I am constantly learning something new and developing myself. I have good organizational and public speaking skills, I'm self-motivated and sometimes demanding. I lead a healthy life. I can dance beautifully. I have good taste in clothes. I like to create harmony and beauty around me. I can cook deliciously and take care of my loved ones. Honesty and trust in relationships are important in a family, when the family is calm and good, and all difficulties are solved by discussing and finding solutions!
I am looking for a serious relationship with the help of CQMI dating agency in Ukraine.
Hobbies and Interests
Swimming, fly-stretching, sauna, Oriental dancing, esoterics, theater, astrology, karaoke. I love traveling both in Ukraine and abroad. I love the sea.
Searching for...
A man who leads a healthy life (doesn't smoke, rarely or not at all consumes alcohol, is physically active, takes care of his health, isn't overweight, is well groomed). He has a sense of responsibility, good intelligence (higher education is important!), sociability, honesty, determination, independence (he doesn't depend on others, either mentally or materially), a strong spirit, generosity, care for loved ones, the need to learn new things and progress in his development! Positive thinking is important, and a sense of humor is welcome. It is desirable that the person has interests similar to mine. A necessary skill is to establish a friendly relationship with my son and show respect for me and my parents. For me, qualitative relationships are those in which partners make each other's lives brighter, richer and happier!
Age: 36-50.
Height: 172-186 cm.
Education: higher education.
Presence of children: the presence of children is welcome, and a man doesn't want more! However, the question of future children can also be raised!
Religion: my religion is not compulsory.
Appearance: visually appealing facial features, strong build...
Place of residence: not important.