Nataliya, Ukrainian Woman from Mukachevo, speaking English, Russian, German ID:18169
Age51 Aquarius
Born inMukachevo, Ukraine
Height167 cm
Weight60 kg
Hair Colourblond
Eye Colourgray-green
Last Visit2022-11-04
Marital StatusDivorced
Children in householdYes
Children in householdDaughter (24)
Daughter (17)
Daughter (17)
Children wantedNo
EducationUniversity Diploma
About myself...
My name is Natalya, I am a beautiful single girl with grey-green eyes and blond hair from Mukachevo, Ukraine. I was born in Mukachevo, Ukraine.Education: Accounting and auditing.
My main qualities: optimism, most of the time I am cheerful and active.
I am sociable, but I have few friends. For me it is easy to make acquaintances in any situation and I can so quickly break up a friendship, if it begins to pull me down. In relationships with men, I'm not easy. It's hard for me to fall in love, but if I have fallen in love, it's just as hard to get out of it. My inner qualities are determination, I always get what I want. I am very romantic and emotional, but at the same time very logical and practical. I am not afraid of change and I believe that life is a constant movement of change. Health and education are my top priorities. I also believe that a woman is not a source of income for the family, a woman is responsible for the climate and love in the family. The woman is the care and inspiration and the man is the protector and provider. Based on that, my position is not so much to follow my career, but to follow a man. That doesn't mean I don't have my own interests and goals. As for my job. I don't like restrictions, and career advancement in any company pulls me down, even though I have worked in a bank in high positions, and as an accountant in various organizations. I raised my children with more warmth and love, supported my ex-husband in his professional development, created comfort and warmth at home and in relationships with loved ones. Although I am now single. I have been divorced from my husband for over 10 years, I have done everything possible and impossible regarding the family ties of children and their father, the children are almost grown, and the best thing I can do is to create my own happy life.
I work out every day and try to stick to healthy habits. I believe that sport is the best medicine for any illness and depression. I am also actively learning German language, because I set this goal and I want to achieve it.
I am looking for a serious relationship with the help of CQMI dating agency in Ukraine.
Hobbies and Interests
I am fascinated by esotericism, philosophy and psychology. Now I am particularly active in this field and practice reading the situation with the help of tarot cards. This orientation is not inferior to learning a foreign language. Furthermore, I like dancing and tourism. I am interested in everything that brings future benefits and freedom.
Searching for...
I would like to find in my partner what I lack as a woman. A man should be much stronger and more financially stable than me. In my opinion, the most attractive thing in a partner is his brain and ability to use it. He is wise, a large-scale thinker, an intellectual, an aesthete, has a clear idea of himself and a woman. Has an iron patience, gentle, caring and romantic. Man and woman this equal in strength, but a completely different energy, so I would like to see an understanding of this in their elected. If a man can earn my trust and respect, I will follow him. It is also important for me to have common interests, namely, healthy lifestyle, sports, personal development, active travel, respect for the affairs, feelings and interests of each other.Age: 40-54 years old.
Height: 170-190 cm.
Education: higher education, university degree.
Presence of children: not against.
Religion: without fanaticism.
Appearance: not overweight, athletic build, more like a European.