
Svetlana, Ukrainian Woman from Kiev, speaking English, Russian ID:14530

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Age55 Libra
Born inOstrov, Russia
Height169 cm
Weight69 kg
Hair Colourred
Eye Colourbrown
Last Visit2021-10-15

Marital StatusWidow
Children in householdYes
Children in householdSon (28)
Children wantedNo
EducationUniversity Diploma
Profession Tutor

About myself...
Hello, I am Svetlana, a single Ukrainian woman with brown eyes and red hair from the city of Kiev. I was born in Ostrov, Russia.

I'm Tolerant, inquisitive, sociable.

Educated, good specialist in his field, but continue to engage in self-education and acquisition of new skills. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle, but not a fanatic. I appreciate home comfort and chamberiness of home environment...Active. I go skiing, skating and rollerblading. I work out in the gym and love cycling. Gently relate to the sea and travel. I feel comfortable in theatres, operas and museums. I categorically do not accept violence, boorishness and vulgarity. I dream to learn to dance tango... In spring I will go to driving school. I am engaged in volunteering (we help the children's home).

I am looking for a serious relation with the help of CQMI Dating agency in Ukraine to be your Ukrainian wife. I live in Eastern Europe.
Hobbies and Interests
I am a Russian bride born in Ukraine.
I like to Read, write fairy tales and stories. I can paint a picture or play paintball))))) Life is beautiful and interesting. I would like to recognize it in pairs)))
I speak English. I'm a little lazy. But I can explain myself.
I understand love in the sense in which Erik Fromm described it: care, responsibility, respect, understanding.
Searching for...
I am a single Russian bride looking for a man.

"An active, responsible man who wants to know and discover new aspects of this life. Stable and able to compromise. Age, preferably up to 65. Growth, preferably from 175 cm. Education, not in principle, but better higher education. The area, I think, is a big city. Or the suburbs near the big city It's all subjective... There are people who love life and they have a lot of vitality and joy. They do not try to change their partner, but just do their experience and take the experience of other people.

Will he pick you up in front of the restaurant, will he open the car door, will he pay the café, will he give you a coat, will he ask if he feels well, will he offer help when he finds out you are in trouble, will he visit you if he is sick... These are the details of behavior that describe how a man understands his care, whether it is a normal condition for him, whether he is able to think of another person.

It's a very important quality for a man. It's important for a woman, and for a man it's just fundamental. To be in charge of those who have been tamed. The ability to be responsible for one's words and actions is a necessary characteristic of a psychologically mature person. Naturally following the chain of "thought - said - did - answered" is an indicator of the integrity and maturity of the individual. It is a guarantee of reliability and confidence in a person.

This is the most difficult component of love, often the understanding comes only with the years of life together. But the first signs that everything will work out are also visible at once: "I don't understand what you are doing, but I would really like you to explain it to me. It's about intellectual intimacy, about the variety of tools through which a man learns about himself and reality. Willingness to listen and understand is the ability to engage in dialogue at all stages of a relationship. It is very important for stability and harmony of relations.
Of course, physical attraction is also important. But at a certain age you stop separating the physical from the spiritual, i.e. the closeness of the souls of a man and a woman almost certainly gives rise to attraction, and physical attraction is not interesting anymore.
Well, here's where it is.

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